Polar bear vpn
Polar bear vpn

polar bear vpn polar bear vpn

TAP adapters are used by many VPNs to manage their encrypted connections. It does essentially the same job as your built-in network adapters, but it's powered entirely by software, with no hardware behind it. Some systems have both, so they can use the faster wired connection by default (but switch to wireless if that's not available).Ī TAP adapter is a virtual network device. Launch your PC or laptop for the first time and it connects to the internet through a physical network adapter, probably a Wi-Fi or ethernet card.

polar bear vpn

Looking for a new VPN? Then see today's best VPN deals.You can safely ignore all this TAP talk and get on with your regular internet life.īut if you're curious about what's going on, would like to understand how your system is working, and maybe solve odd connection problems, a quick peek at some networking basics could be a real help. If your VPN is working fine then there's no immediate need to dig into the details. It might turn up in your app settings, your installed programs list, the Start menu, status or error messages and VPN logs. Install a VPN on any desktop and chances are you'll soon be seeing the term 'TAP adapter'.

Polar bear vpn